Monday, November 12, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays......

What's that old Carpenter's song say? "Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down". I am not a rainy day hater at all. I don't mind working on rainy days. It seems you're not missing as much, somehow, if it's raining outside. If it's a rainy weekend, then it's a good time to get caught up on some indoor chores, or watch Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy or CSI (any of them) on DVD. It's even a good time to catch up on the latest Harlan Coben novel or clean out my email box.

Mondays, however.....I'm trying to think of something good to say, and I am drawing a blank! You're exhausted from the weekend, and need a day off to recuperate, but back to work you go! Not only do I hate Mondays on Monday, but I already start to resent them on Sunday, knowing it's looming over the horizon. Sometimes, I even start to resent Monday on Saturday night. I begin thinking of all of the things I need to squeeze in on Sunday because the next day is Monday. I don't know, but somehow, it just doesn't seem fair that Monday encroaches further and further into my weekend.

You don't often hear people say they hate Tuesday. You still have a long week ahead of you with no relief in sight, but somehow, it's just not MONDAY. The weekend may still be around the bend, but you can almost smell it. (Like right before it rains-you can smell it coming!) Thursday is like rounding third base-you're almost home! No matter what happens on Thursday, you know you can take it because it's ALMOST FRIDAY!

Friday....ah sweet Friday. In your mind, you have already started the weekend, which is why Friday meetings are really pointless. They can make you attend in body, but no matter what they do, you're brain is already on weekend! Weekends might as well start at noon on Friday. (Yes, I do realize that for some people, they do. Us peons, however, don't get to officially start weekends until 4:00pm.)

Then it's the weekend. You swear you're going to sleep late, but your brain is programmed to get up at the crack of dawn for work and won't switch over to weekend mode. (At least you can ignore it and roll over for awhile.) You lay there and plan out what you want to do with your weekend, and before you know it, it's Saturday evening and that resentment is starting to creep in. You go out with friends and tip a few Black and Tans, followed by just a taste of Irish Whiskey to chase it away. Before you know it, it's Sunday morning! The cloud of impending Monday is stronger than the coffee you have to drink to wake up and you spend the day rushing around to stay ahead of it. Before you know it, it's Monday again.

I'm sorry! I just can't think of a good thing to say about Monday. It doesn't seem quite fair that it has to be the most hated day of the week. Perhaps we should just make weekends a three day affair and incorporate Mondays into them. Monday has had such a bad rap for such a long time! I think we should give Mondays a break.

But then-Tuesday would become the most hated day of the week.......


Timothy W Higgins said...
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Timothy W Higgins said...

There is only one good thing to say about Mondays, and that is, "Thank God they only come once a week!"

That being said, I am sure that you are not alone in the weekend agonizing over the beginning of the week to come. Far too many of us fail to enjoy what we have in our rush to dread the future.

I have given up hating Mondays however, and haven chosen to vent my spleen on Thursdays instead. After working for 3 days straight, you would think you could say enough; but no, there are still 2 days left. The week is barely half over and the rest seems all up hill. Even when the Thursday is over there is still Friday to go, and as you rightly point out, your head is not much in the game.

So there you are, desperately trying to finish for the week and thinking: "Oh well, it could be worse ... it could be Monday."

Damn, now we're back where we started.